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来源:苏州家长帮   作者:菜小茹   2018-06-11 21:25:07


  Everyone needs friends.   16    is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and do things with. We will feel    17   if we have no friends. Sometimes friends quarrel with each other, but that doesn‘t mean they no longer    18       each other. Maybe they will make up and become        19    again.

  When friends move away, we will feel very     20.We miss them very much, but we can    21    them and write to them. Maybe we will not see them again. And we can      22      new friends. It is surprising to find out    23    we like new people when we get to know them.

  There’s more good news for people who have friends. They live longer than people who don‘t. Why? It could be that they are     24. Being happy helps you keep healthy. If you know someone cares about you, you may take    25    care of yourself.

  16. A. It    B. He    C. There        D. Someone

  17. A. alone    B. lonely    C. happy        D. lucky

  18. A. like    B. loves    C. hate        D. miss

  19. A. friendly    B. good            C. pleased    D. friends

  20. A. angry    B. sad            C. happy        D. alone

  21. A. call    B. ask    C. tell        D. talk with

  22. A. look for    B. find out    C. make        D. know

  23. A. how often    B. how long            C. how many    D.how much

  24. A. happier    B. stronger            C. kinder        D. richer

  25. A. less    B. better    C. little        D. no

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