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来源:苏州家长帮   作者:菜小茹   2018-06-11 21:25:07



  Erica is a nine-year-old girl. Today is a beautiful day for Erica. Her uncle will come from Australia today. Her uncle is twenty-seven. He lives there for three years. He will bring a bit surprise for Erica.

  The school is over. And Erica puts her books in the bag and goes out of the classroom. She is running back home and thinking about her uncle. She wants to know the surprise.

  “Is it a surfboard? That is fun! I can learn how to surf!”

  “Are they Australian nuts? Oh. I can eat nuts all day!”

  “Or maybe he brings a kangaroo(袋鼠)? That is not good. I don’t have a place in my room for a Kangaroo...”

  Erica gets home at four o‘clock. Her parents are there, and her uncle is there, too! She is very happy to see him. “Uncle, uncle.” she calls, “What surprise do you have for me from Australia?”

  “Well”, her uncle smiles and answers. “I have an Australian uncle for you.”

  26. Erica is going home_______.

  A. on foot    B. by car    C. by bike     D. on a bus

  27.    Which of the following is TRUE?

  A.    Erica lives in Australia for three years.

  B.    Erica is a student.

  C.    Erica’s uncle comes home after tour.

  D.    Erica gets a beautiful gift (礼物) from her uncle.

  28.    Why today is a special day?

  A.    Because today is Erica‘s birthday.

  B.    Because today is the day when Erica’s uncle comes from Australia.

  C.    Because today is the day for celebration.

  D.    Because today is the birthday of Erica‘s uncle.

  29.    What surprise does Erica’s uncle for her?

  A. An Australian uncle.    B. A surfboard.

  C. Autralian nuts.    D. A kangaroo.

  30. What‘s the best title(标题)?

  A. A Beautiful Girl.    B. My Uncle    C. A Big Surprise    D.    My Family

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