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来源:苏州家长帮   作者:菜小茹   2018-06-27 21:47:23



  People are so busy these days that many people have no time to cook. This becomes a problem, because most families love home cooking. The food tastes good and warm, and a family meal brings everyone together. In some families, meals are often the only times everyone sees one another at the same time.

  Another reason why people enjoy home cooking is that it is often a way of showing love. A parent who makes some cookies is not just satisfying a child‘s sweet tooth. She or he is sending a message. The message says, “I care about you enough to spend an hour making cookies that you will eat up in 15 minutes if I let you.”

  There is also something about the smell of home cooking. The smell of home cooking makes people of all ages happy. It makes most of us feel good and loved - even if we are the ones doing the cooking. “Next time you smell a cake making, stop for a moment and pay attention to your mood(情绪).”

  6. Why do fewer(更少的) people cook now?

  A. They like to eat in restaurants.

  B. Many people are too busy.

  C. Many people don’t like cooking.

  D. They don‘t like family meals.

  7.    A parent spends an hour making cookies _______.

  A.    just to satisfy her or his child’s sweet tooth

  B.    only to send a message

  C.    to let a child eat up in 15minutes

  D.    often to show her or his love

  8.    The writer thinks the smell of home cooking _______.

  A.    makes us happy

  B.    makes us interested in cooking

  C.    makes us pay attention to our mood

  D.    makes us love others

  9.    What does the underlined(下划线) word “satisfying” mean here?

  A. 令人生气

  B. 令……满足

  C. 填充

  D. 修补

  10.    Why does the writer support(支持) home cooking?

  A.    A family meal can bring everyone together.

  B.    The home cooking food is warm and tasty.

  C.    Home cooking is often a way of showing love.

  D.    All of above. (以上都是)



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